Report Delivery
Fast, secure lab results at your client’s fingertips. Cortex Courier™ is a web-based report delivery system that makes lab reports instantly available to referring physicians.
Faster. Instant. Secure
Cortex Courier™ is a web-based report delivery system that makes lab reports instantly available to referring physicians. Get results to your clinicians faster.
This HIPAA-compliant system gives you control of your final report delivery while reducing your administrative burden. Courier is secure, reliable and user-friendly.
Fast, Secure Lab Results
Cortex puts you in control with a wide range of features
HIPAA compliant
User friendly
Email alert-enabled

Instant Report Delivery
- Provides results at your clients’ fingertips
- Distributes reports electronically
- Uses remote printing to replace faxing
- Provides instant, secure web access anywhere

Low Administrative Overhead
- User-friendly
- Customizable
- Easy-to-use administration feature for your clients
- Accommodates multiple locations per client
Tailored to Your Needs
Cortex Courier™ allows you to set up multiple locations for your clients. Enable email alerts to notify clinicians when results are ready. Our unique user model allows clinician groups to customize and manage their own user accounts. Specialized accounts are designed to facilitate report delivery and management comprehensively for your clients’ groups.
Drive Improvements in Healthcare
Cortex Courier™ is a secure, HIPAA-compliant technology which gets final reports to your clinicians faster. Courier can also fill the gaps where an interface does not exist. Make faxing errors obsolete with secure login and remote printing.

Integrated Technology
Cortex Courier’s integration with the LIS ensures accurate, reliable results to your clients while staying at the forefront of current technological developments.
Smart, Efficient Solutions.
We keep our clients efficient so they can work smarter, not longer.
Anatomic Pathology Labs
Cortex understands the high demands on todays’ laboratories. That is why our AP laboratory clients have trusted us for nearly 40 years to help them serve their clients with high-quality diagnoses. Cortex allows you to deliver the most concise, readable and accurate final reports. We help make your lab a great work environment.
We have been specializing in laboratory billing since 1983. Our expertise includes, AP labs, clinical labs, dermatopathology labs and others. We understand the many complexities that laboratories face and have the system best equipped to handle your diverse billing scenarios.
We understand high-volume testing environments. Cortex delivers accuracy with fast turnaround times. Easily track consultations and slides with our robust and dependable LIS.
What Our Customers Are Saying
Start Using Cortex Courier™ Today!
Find out how easy it is to improve your efficiency and productivity.